
Monday, August 26, 2013


For someone who has had pneumonia twice in the past few years, fully inflated lungs is a pretty exhilarating feeling.  I love the sensation of the slight ache that remains for hours after you exercised.  Every deep breath you take, your lungs remind you - Hey!  You worked hard today!
You. are. awesome.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Weekly Weigh-in: WEEK 5


Starting weight: 192.0  lbs
Week 1 weight: 190.5 lbs (loss of 1.5)
Week 2 weight: 188.0 lbs (loss of 2.5)
Week 3 weight: 187.0 lbs (loss of 1.0)
Week 4 weight: 186.0 lbs (loss of 1.0)
Week 5 weight: 184.0 lbs (loss of 2.0)

Total loss: 8 lbs
Week 1 inches lost: 0.75"
Week 2 inches lost: 0.75"
Week 3 inches lost: 1.25"
Week 4 inches lost: 1.5"
Week 5 inches lost: 1.5"

Total loss: 5.75"

Week 1 Steps/Miles: 106,731 / 45.89 mi.
Week 2 Steps/Miles: 109,858 / 48.48 mi.
Week 3 Steps/Miles: 102,225 / 50.13 mi.
Week 4 Steps/Miles/Running: 104,213 / 49.63 mi. walking and 1.6 mi. running!!
Week 5 Steps/Miles/Running:   96,139 / 47.10 mi. walking / beginner Pilates 1x

Week 1 avg. calorie intake: 1,955
Week 2 avg. calorie intake: 1,621  (much better - I met this week's goal!)
Week 3 avg. calorie intake: 1,823 (yikes!)
Week 4 avg. calorie intake: 1,745
Week 5 avg. calorie intake: 1,579
Moment I am proud of: Not really a 'moment' this week, but I am proud that my calorie intake is right where I want it for the time being.  This was a tough week in that respect, because it was that time in my monthly cycle, and yes, I HAD to have some chocolate.  Okay.  A lot of chocolate.
Nutritional changes/observations: My food mood totally changed this week, and Dean noticed that his did too.  I could not stop nibbling.  All. week. long.  I am totally amazed, though that my calorie count came out as it did.  You wouldn't think it with all of the time I kept making trips to the kitchen... :(
What hurts: Nothing really stands out here, so I suppose that is a good thing!!  lol..
Confessional: Not really a confession but an observation.  Giving in to your cravings just a little bit does tend to ward off a full-blown binge.
Deep thoughts from exercise delirium: Exercising every day and eating mindfully does totally tune you in to how your body feels.  I could totally tell when my period was going to arrive.  There was the cramping day.  Then the bloating day.  The other bloating day.  Then the give me chocolate or I will hurt you day.  The do I have to get out of bed day.  The there is nothing in the cupboards to eat day.  The I wish I was in menopause day.  The is it over YET? day.  Then the miracle two days where you drop three pounds of water gain.  The you get to enjoy 22 days of relative freedom before you have to go through it all over again.  Good times.
My goal for next week: Totally did not meet my goal last week of running for 4 days and getting an exercise ball.  Given how I felt and how much my inner voice protested, it was a miracle I got out of the house at all.  So this week's goal is a repeat of last week.  Run 4 times during my walks, and get an exercise ball.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Weekly Weigh-in: WEEK 4


Starting weight: 192.0  lbs
Week 1 weight: 190.5 lbs (loss of 1.5)
Week 2 weight: 188.0 lbs (loss of 2.5)
Week 3 weight: 187.0 lbs (loss of 1.0)
Week 4 weight: 186.0 lbs (loss of 1.0)

Total loss: 6 lbs
Week 1 inches lost: 0.75"
Week 2 inches lost: 0.75"
Week 3 inches lost: 1.25"
Week 4 inches lost: 1.5"

Total loss: 4.25"

Week 1 Steps/Miles: 106,731 / 45.89 mi.
Week 2 Steps/Miles: 109,858 / 48.48 mi.
Week 3 Steps/Miles: 102,225 / 50.13 mi.
Week 4 Steps/Miles/Running: 104,213 / 49.63 mi. walking and 1.6 mi. running!!

Week 1 avg. calorie intake: 1,955
Week 2 avg. calorie intake: 1,621  (much better - I met this week's goal!)
Week 3 avg. calorie intake: 1,823 (yikes!)
Week 4 avg. calorie intake: 1,745
Moment I am proud of: Running! Bounce be damned - when the mood strikes, I'm running.  I ran 0.5 miles as part of my walk three days in a row.  That is about all I can manage right now, without passing out.  But I'm doing it!  I am also celebrating 30 straight days of exercising and breaking a sweat - on average 45 minutes per day.  I don't feel 'right' until I've had my walk.
Nutritional changes/observations: No real changes this week.  On the days that I exercise in the range of 60 minutes, I do take in closer to 1800-1900 calories, and less on the days when I am in the 30-45 minute range.  I've also noticed that my stomach has shrunk considerably - smaller meals in greater frequency is what I am trending towards.  I have also noticed that I prefer that slightly hungry feeling now, over feeling full.
What hurts: The bursitis in my right hip is rearing it's ugly head, but I am working through it.  It mostly bothers me when I get up first thing in the morning, and then when I get up from sitting longer than 10 minutes.  I am also having issues with my right arch, despite the orthotics.  It might be time to revisit the doctor and get refitted.  I find it amusing in the morning, when Dean and I hobble around for the first couple of minutes of the day.  I hope we never have to fly out of bed in an emergency...we wouldn't be able to move very fast!
Confessional: A single dip of chocolate-orange Walrus ice cream.  And you know what?  It didn't even taste that good... :(  At a whopping 400 calories, it was. not. worth. it.
Deep thoughts from exercise delirium: Since I am actively exercising now and more attuned to it, there seems to be an awful lot of backlash on Facebook about women starving themselves and punishing their psyche just to be thin(ner).  I don't feel that I am punishing myself.  I don't deprive, I don't give in to negative self-talk and what I am doing feels right.  FOR ME.  That's right, it's allllll about me.  :) 
My goal for next week: I met my goal for last week!  I dropped another pound, and my BMI adjusted downward from the 'obese' range into the 'overweight' range.  Yay!  My goal this week is to run that 1/2 mile stretch for 4 days, and to purchase an exercise ball, and begin working with it.  The kids popped my last one.

Friday, August 16, 2013

So happy to be overweight!

I did it! The scale hit 186 and I dropped down into a whole new color range! It will take another 25 lbs before I reach the 'normal' BMI range. But that's far down the road. Today I celebrate the end of my obesity!

And not with a hot fudge sundae... ;)

But with a pair of these:

Skirt Sports: Lotta Breeze Capri
Happy Birthday to me! (Thank you mom and dad for the birthday $$!)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Weekly Weigh-in: WEEK 3

Starting weight: 192.0  lbs
Week 1 weight: 190.5 lbs (loss of 1.5)
Week 2 weight: 188.0 lbs (loss of 2.5)
Week 3 weight: 187.0 lbs (loss of 1.0)

Total loss: 5 lbs
Week 1 inches lost: 0.75"
Week 2 inches lost: 0.75"
Week 3 inches lost: 1.25"

Total loss: 2.75"

Week 1 Steps/Miles: 106,731 / 45.89 mi.
Week 2 Steps/Miles: 109,858 / 48.48 mi.
Week 3 Steps/Miles: 102,225/ 50.13 mi.

Week 1 avg. calorie intake: 1,955
Week 2 avg. calorie intake: 1,621  (much better - I met this week's goal!)
Week 3 avg. calorie intake: 1,823 (yikes!)
Moment I am proud of: Hiking 4 miles on my birthday (Thursday), and it did not feel like 4 miles at all - it was a breeze!
Nutritional changes/observations: It is best to let close friends and family know that you are changing what you eat, so that they don't inadvertently tempt you with stuff you shouldn't be eating.
What hurts: my calves (still), and my toes from my hiking boots.  My boots felt great on the way up, but I kept slipping forward in the toe box on the way down, and my toes are still sore.  I also have a blister on the back of one of my heels that won't heal over.  My heel rubbed all the way through the lining in my shoe, exposing the plastic support in the heel cup, which produced a blister.  I walked in sandals for two days, which felt very similar to walking in sand.  My entire lower leg was aching.  Now I am wearing a band aid, covered with duct tape, every time I walk.  I also repadded the heel of the shoe and covered that in duct tape.  It's time for new shoes - luckily I have some birthday money to spend!
Confessional: Thursday was my birthday, and I ate like it was my birthday, lol!
Deep thoughts from exercise delirium: I so want to run... I'm working into the runner's high range, and I really want to run.
My goal for next week: Get the calorie intake back under control, and lose at least one more pound.  I am currently at a BMI of 30.2 - if I go under 30, I drop down from the 'obese' range into the 'overweight' range.  Each 0.5 lbs is about a tenth of a percentage point of the BMI at this point.


"Do your boobs hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a bow?
Can you throw them over your shoulder like a Continental soldier?
Do your boobs hang low?

Do your boobs stretch wide?
Do they reach from side to side?
Can you use them as a parachute,
or as wings that let you glide?
Can you cast a cooling shadow over most of Colorado?
Do you boobs stretch wide?

Are your boobs too big?
Are they heavy as a pig?
Do they bruise your cerebellum,
when you dance an Irish jig?
Can they function as the anchors for a fleet of oil tankers?
Are your boobs too big?
-sung to the tune Do Your Ears Hang Low?
The answer is yes, yes, and yes.
Pendulous. I hate that word. It ranks right up there with 'obese' in my personal list of obnoxious words. But it is an effective way to describe breasts that have become friends with your belly button. In fact, my OBGYN did a beautiful job of using 'pendulous' in a letter that she wrote for me, on my behalf, explaining to my insurance company WHY they should cover the cost of a surgical procedure that I have been wanting and waiting for - for over half of my life.
Twenty four years is a long time to live with large breasts. Well, they were large. Now, after three pregnancies they are XXXL - size 38E to be exact. Oh yes, ladies, the alphabet doesn't stop at triple D. It just keeps going, and going, and going. When I read this letter that my doctor wrote, I felt a sense of shame that cut so deep I am not sure I can ever let it go. How did I go from a generously endowed 16 yr old, to a woman who can't see her stomach because her boobs are in the way?
About a year ago I began to seriously investigate what it would take to get a breast reduction. I was done having kids. I was tired of the incredible back aches, shoulder aches, underwires, bra + sports bra to keep things in place, shoulder grooves, specialty big bras that cost a small fortune, constant visits to the chiropractor, and the inability/reluctance to do anything that induced 'bounce'. No dancing, jogging, jumping, or hopping. I read through what the insurance company's policy was, what they required for documentation, and I started jumping through the hoops. I didn't really have too much extra to do - I was already in physical therapy for my shoulder anyway. They also require evidence of shoulder grooving, pain, treatments, and a scaled percentage of what needs to be removed. I went for a pre-consult with my plastic surgeon in early June. I was in tremendous pain. My bra strap went right over the surgical site where they debrided my AC joint. It was (and still is) excruciating. Pictures were taken and I spent the next three weeks gathering my letters of recommendation for breast reduction - five letters in all. The whole package was submitted to my insurance company on July 8th. A few days later I received a rejection letter, dated July 9th.
I was devastated. I thought I was an absolute shoo-in! Among other things, the letter stated that there was no evidence of shoulder grooving.
HERE is your evidence!
I took this just now. It is 8:58 a.m. I took my bra off at 9:30 last night, when I changed into pjs for bed. So that is 11.5 hours without a bra, and the groove is there, as plain as day. My bras have left a physical imprint on my skin for as long as I can remember. The letter stated that my PS's surgical plan for tissue removal was under the required amount (600 g, each side, in my case) and it also said that there is no documentation that my 'physical discomfort' has no other causal connection. Bullshit. There was also no effort on my part to use medication to regulate my pain. w.t.f. So I am supposed to pop pills for the rest of my life and ignore the elephant in the room that just happens to be a permanent part of my chest?
I want a breast reduction. Not for cosmetic reasons, but for quality of life reasons. My PS resubmitted my request, and I am now entering week 3 of a 30-day appeal waiting period. I am pissed. I had set aside the whole month of August for the surgery and the initial recovery period. My case is cut and dry! I have wanted this, and dreamed of this for years. It is painful to walk around with this much weight hanging from your chest wall, day after day, year after year. It messes with your spine, your neck and your shoulders. It interferes with breathing, and it restricts your movement.
My frustration is what has fueled my walks as of late. I have imaginary conversations with the evil insurance people. I threaten to take a roll of duct tape and strap on 3 lb (5 lbs would be better) hand weights to their chest and then make them jog down the street or jump rope. Even better would to make fake silicone breasts and make them wear a bra everyday, lugging around all that weight for the next 24 years - and tell them to pop some aspirin and get over it. Bastards.
I know I sound bitter. And I know I had a role in this, too. But I can't control for the genetics part of the equation, or for what three pregnancies did to my body. I have lost five pounds in the past three weeks. Know where it came from? From the waist down. So the magical advice that I just need to lose some weight doesn't apply here. They are not going to all of a sudden shrink in size. There is also the connection between exercise intensity and burning fat. I can't increase my intensity if I can't jog, hop, dance and so forth. I can't do those things when I have these boobs flopping all around - even while wearing a bra and TWO sports bras. So I am at an impass.

My journey here is two-fold - dropping the weight and getting the breast reduction done. As each day passes, my inner-panic increases that I will be denied, again. I'm trying to stay positive, but it's hard.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Weekly Weigh-in: WEEK 2

Starting weight: 192.0  lbs
Week 1 weight: 190.5 lbs (loss of 1.5)
Week 2 weight: 188.0 lbs (loss of 2.5)
Week 1 inches lost: 0.75"
Week 2 inches lost: 0.75"

Week 1 Steps/Miles: 106,731 / 45.89 mi.
Week 2 Steps/Miles: 109,858 / 48.48 mi.

Week 1 avg. calorie intake: 1,955
Week 2 avg. calorie intake: 1,621  (much better - I met this week's goal!)
Moment I am proud of: Even though I was super, super tired on Friday (I think I hit a calorie deficit slump), I did manage to drag myself out for a second walk for the day, in the evening with Dean.  He hadn't reached his 10,000 steps yet for the day, so I went with him. 
Nutritional changes/observations: We used large red lettuce leaves to make our sandwiches this week, instead of bread.  It was actually really, really good, and saved about 200 calories!

Another thing I read about and then subsequently tried was eating watermelon after a strenuous workout.  It really worked.  It rehydrates you and contains more potassium than a banana, and potassium helps ward off muscle cramping.
What hurts: my calves are absolutely barking...  I really need to remember to stretch, multiple times a day.
Confessional: I am proud to say I have nothing to confess this week!
Deep thoughts from exercise delirium: The older I get, the more time it takes me to recover from exercise.  I really need to be careful and not push myself too hard.
My goal for next week: meet, if not slightly beat my caloric intake.  My goal is an avg. of 1,500/day.

Friday, August 2, 2013

A world outside

"You can't force change or change your path
You just have to walk on it, the woods at night
With red walls, leisurely slow, no one sees you moving but you
So long my friends,
I think its time you try again
So wake up, wake up
Wake up, Danny boy, there's a world outside,
A world outside, a world outside,
Wake up, Danny boy, there's a world outside,
A world outside your window"
-Dannyboy  by Youngblood Hawke