
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Weekly Weigh-in: WEEK 11


Starting weight: 192.0  lbs
Week 1 weight: 190.5 lbs (loss of 1.5)
Week 2 weight: 188.0 lbs (loss of 2.5)
Week 3 weight: 187.0 lbs (loss of 1.0)
Week 4 weight: 186.0 lbs (loss of 1.0)
Week 5 weight: 184.0 lbs (loss of 2.0)
Week 6 weight: 181.3 lbs (loss of 2.7)
Week 7 weight: 179.4 lbs (loss of 1.9)
Week 8 weight: 179.6 lbs (gain of 0.2)
Week 9 weight: 179.0 lbs (loss of 0.6)
Week 10 weight: 177.1 lbs (loss of 1.9)
Week 11 weight: 176.0 lbs (loss of 1.1)

Total loss: 16.0 lbs
Week 1 inches lost: 0.75"
Week 2 inches lost: 0.75"
Week 3 inches lost: 1.25"
Week 4 inches lost: 1.5"
Week 5 inches lost: 1.5"
Week 6 inches lost: 0.75"
Week 7 inches lost: 0.75"
Week 8 inches lost: 0"
Week 9 inches lost: 0.25"
Week 10 inches lost: 1.0"
Week 11 inches lost: 1.0"

Total loss: 9.5"

Week 1 Steps/Miles: 106,731 / 45.89 mi.
Week 2 Steps/Miles: 109,858 / 48.48 mi.
Week 3 Steps/Miles: 102,225 / 50.13 mi.
Week 4 Steps/Miles/Running: 104,213 / 49.63 mi. walking and 1.6 mi. running!!
Week 5 Steps/Miles/Running:   96,139 / 47.10 mi. walking and 0   mi. running
Week 6 Steps/Miles/Running:   99,991/  49.01 mi. walking and 0.5 mi. running
Week 7 Steps/Miles/Running:   83,568/  40.92 mi. walking and 0   mi. running
Week 8 Steps/Miles/Running:   57,164/  27.99 mi. walking and 0   mi. running
Week 9 Steps/Miles/Running:   77,896/  38.76 mi. walking and 0   mi. running
Week 10 Steps/Miles/Running:  80,376/ 39.60 mi. walking and 1.9 mi. running
Week 11 Steps/Miles/Running:  49,679/ 24.32 mi. walking and 0.8 mi. running
Week 1 avg. calorie intake: 1,955
Week 2 avg. calorie intake: 1,621  (much better - I met this week's goal!)
Week 3 avg. calorie intake: 1,823  (yikes!)
Week 4 avg. calorie intake: 1,745
Week 5 avg. calorie intake: 1,579
Week 6 avg. calorie intake: 1,603
Week 7 avg. calorie intake: 1,613
Week 8 avg. calorie intake: 1,539
Week 9 avg. calorie intake: 1,564
Week 10 avg. calorie intake: 1,523
Week 11 avg. calorie intake: did not track
Moment(s) I am proud of: Monday morning (last week) I had my best run yet.  I typically slow down after that first half mile because I feel slightly sick, but this run felt absolutely awesome!!  That was my last run for quite a while... My next run, in maybe about six weeks will feel completely different.  I know that realistically I will feel like I am back at square one endurance wise, but I won't have big boobs bouncing around!!!  Yippee!!
Nutritional changes/observations: I stopped tracking this week and gave myself permission to eat whatever.  Of course, the first thing I notice is that I immediately go back to the whole bread/potato/rice thing...  I am looking forward to the coming weeks when I can eat clean again.
What hurts: My boobs are killing me.  That is probably because they know something is up... (muah-ha-ha...)  Just like when the cat scowls at you when she sees you packing a suitcase, my boobs are acting up.  My period is due any day.  I don't think that this surgery could have come at a worse time of the month, but it couldn't be helped.  I usually don't notice any changes in my boobs in relation to my period, other than they are painfully sensitive.  For the past week though, I have been having painful zingers all through my breasts, and they feel like they are on fire!  Oooowwwww...  This is how I am supposed to feel AFTER surgery, not BEFORE.
Confessional: I ate (a lot...ahem) and I exercised little.  Here is why.  On Monday last week, after I had run my awesome run and was in a great mood, I went to my pre-op appointment with my PS and actually got SCOLDED for losing so much weight.  Yes.  That's right.  I got in trouble for losing weight. 

Can you imagine???

Apparently I am on the borderline as to how much tissue the surgeon can safely remove from each breast.  The insurance company has taken a very hard line on this, and has set a threshold of 600 grams from each breast - which is in excess of what the industry standard is for my BMI.  He is going to have to take a lot.  He was even concerned about this amount back when I weighed 192.  Now I have made it even harder for him....  It is risky because A) I will not be happy with the results.  It will look odd on my body frame to have too-small breasts, and B) If the surgeon removes too much tissue, I am at risk of permanently losing sensation or even my nipple on my smaller breast.  My nipple could turn black and fall off.  I've seen pictures.  It's horrific.  So, we are going into this with the agreement that if he needs to stop short of the amount to keep me happy with the results and keep my breasts safe, so be it.  So I gave myself permission to go hog-wild this past week.  Four pounds later - I feel like a bloated lazy-butt.  I know some of that is fluid-retention from my period.
Deep thoughts from exercise delirium: Back to that awesome run... it was so good.  I thought about it all week.  I so wanted to do a 5K this coming New Year's Eve, called the Resolution Run.  I ran/walked it 9 years ago, with a friend, and it was such a great experience.  I have thought about that 5K for the past several weeks, actually.  Now I don't know.  It all depends on the recovery.  I can't run for at least 6-8 weeks, so that gives me like zero time to train.  I have decided though that I want to do it for sure, even if I have to walk for most of it.  It was such an awesome goal, I don't want to let it go.  Maybe later in the Spring...
My goal for next week: I am just focusing on tomorrow (surgery day!!!), and then after that, one day at a time.  I am going to take a break from the weekly updates for the next 2-3 weeks. 

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